vendredi 29 août 2014



About the program 

Program Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Udupi Dream Weaver program design websites and web but he program to develop real web find the components and tools CSS and find the big advantages of AJAX Ajax and integrates the program with strong programs of other Adobe such as Photoshop Adobe Photoshop® and Fireworks® integration and other 
Program Dream Weaver is the program the best of both can not programming in programming languages ​​and the most important of HTML and Adobe Dreamweaver is one of the most important programs and the strongest in this area and is the perfect tool for web designers coders and developers of applications for all levels, and contains encryption functions improved to make your site a breeze wonderful to browse through the pages It is a program that makes it easy to work thread complex and interrelated. 

Adobe Dream Weaver (interface supports English Arabic: Adobe Dreamweaver), Web development program. Produced by Macromedia Inc. and then go to the ownership of Adobe after it bought Adobe Maekeromidea in 2005. 

Dreamweaver is available for Windows and Mac. Copy supports modern languages ​​of many web development languages ​​and frameworks, such as Javascript Lucy feeds and feed me eh Dot Net lobby HP. 
Like other editing software web pages, Dreamweaver allows design pages and sites for users who are not fluent in HTML. 

Lets Dream Weaver also create "extensions" to perform the tasks and functions of the additional (usually using HTML and JavaScript). This is in addition to the possibility preview the page in many browsers, provided that they are installed on the user's computer.

size :332.30MB


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